Brainerd Motorsports Park
Stepping Back In Time
This weekend we take a step back in time with the Southeast Nostalgia Drag Racers as they bring in their Gassers, Stock/SuperStocks, Altereds, and Front Engine Dragsters. Also joining us for the fun will be the Nostalgia Prostocks. Lots of exciting racing as we blast into the past. Also racing this weekend will be Junior Dragsters and The Two Foot Nationals...a true footbrake bracket class with a GUARANTEED $1000 TO Win Purse!!!
Anyone is welcome to race with the Southeast Nostalgia Drag Racers if you have a car fitting in one of their classes.
Saturday gates open at noon, time runs start at 2pm
$20 to watch and kids 10 and under are free
Dont forget we also have Friday Night Test and Tune and Fun Night. Come run whatever you got for only $30. $10 to watch and kids 10 and under are free.
Submitted By: Amy Farrow